West Hickory Baptist Church was founded in 1907 to serve the Westmont/Longview community of Hickory. Through
the years many members of this community have been ministered to through this congregation. Today we are a multi-generational congregation with members from all over the Unifour area.
Our Mission & Vision
The purpose of West Hickory Baptist Church is summed up in the following statement: Loving God, loving one another, serving the world. This purpose statement is a reflection of Jesus’ words in the Great Commandment (Mark 12:29-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Statement of Cooperation
We believe that the Church is composed of all true believers in Christ and that it finds expression within local gatherings of believers under the lordship of Christ and the leadership of qualified Pastors/Elders. The local body of believers of West Hickory Baptist Church freely and voluntarily cooperates with other gospel-centered churches, denominations and parachurch organizations. We are currently affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Catawba Valley Baptist Association. In addition, we are involved with a number of local and international gospel-centered ministries.